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  1. Establish, maintain, protect and preserve communal forests, watersheds and other forest projects;
  2. Provide extension services to beneficiaries of forest development projects and render assistance for natural resources-related conservation and utilization activities consistent with ecological balance;
  3. Manage and maintain seed banks and nursery and produce seedlings for forest and tree park;
  4. Monitor illegal cutting and transport of forest products;
  5. Facilitate in the processing of permits in the utilization and transport of forest products; and
  6. Report and coordinate to government agencies in whatever illegal act observe with the assistance of DENR.


  1. Formulate programs for the conservation and protection of the coastal resources;
  2. Facilitate in the establishment of a protection for wildlife conservation program;
  3. Implement regular coastal clean-up activities with the participation of non-government organization and private institution; and
  4. Facilitate stakeholder participation and livelihood program for the protection of and conservation of coastal resources.


  1. Enforce environmental laws, rules and regulations together with concerned agencies;
  2. Intensify Information and Education Campaign on Solid Waste Management;
  3. Maintain regular operation of solid waste collection;
  4. Monitor all barangays on the implementation of Solid Waste Management Program.


  1. Develop the MSWM Plan that shall ensure the long-term management of solid waste, as well as integrated the various solid waste management plan, it shall conduct consultation with various sector of the community;
  2. Adopt measures to promote and ensure the viability and effective implementation of solid waste management programs in its components barangays;
  3. Monitor implementation of the MSWM Plan through its various political subdivisions and in cooperation with the private sector and the NGOs;
  4. Adopt specific revenue-generating measures to promote the viability of its SWM Plan;
  5. Convene regular meeting for the purpose of planning and coordinating the implementation of the waste management plans of the respective component barangays;
  6. Oversee implementation of the SWM Plan;
  7. Review every two years, or as the need arises, the MSW Plan for purpose of ensuring its sustainability, viability, effectiveness and relevance in relation to local and international development in the field of Solid Waste Management;
  8. Develop the specific mechanics and guidelines for the implementation of the MSWM Plan;
  9. Recommend to appropriate local government authorities specific measures of proposals for franchise or build-operate-transfer agreements with duly recognize institutions, pursuant to R.A. 6957, to provide either exclusive or non-exclusive authority for the collection, transfer, storage, processing, recycling or disposal of contracts, franchise and built-operate-transfer agreements;
  10. Provide necessary logistical or operational supports to its components barangays in consonance with sub-section (1) of section 17 of the Local Government Code;
  11. Recommends measure and safeguards against pollution and for the preservation of the natural ecosystems; and
  12. Coordinate the efforts of components barangays in the implementation.